Evolution Review!

Greetings from the campus of THE Ohio State University in beautiful Columbus, Ohio! That’s where I’ll be today. But I believe you’ll do a great job without me today. You’ve done a great job with the graphic organizers and it’s amazing to see how much content yo have picked up and recalled because of it! It’s a lot to cover but you’ve done it and done it well. Today I’d like you to:

  • Finish your illustrations
  • Add as much information to your board as you can (keep it neat and near the topic on the organizer)
  • Complete your video and email it to me(time-lapse or narrated). You may want to add background music for effect.
  • Complete the info-search you picked up in the front of the room (you can do it by yourself, with your table, or as a class… your choice)

Use the graphic organizer you created on Monday as a study guide this weekend. Remember you Unit 9 Group test is the first day back from Easter break, Tuesday the 29th! It will be some multiple choice but mostly fill-in and short answer. Have a great Easter!

Evidence of Evolution

Below is the video of today’s discussion on Evidence of Evolution. For each topic consider these questions:

  1. How does this support Darwin’s theory of Evolution by Natural Selection?
  2. What are examples of this type of evidence?